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Animal Care

Animal Care


Therapeutic Lasers in the animal care sector are a strong alternative to anti-inflammatory drugs. The advantages are numerous and the difference that one achieves in the various diseases of animals is due to the fact that laser treatment is completely free of any side-effects.

Irradia’s therapeutic lasers MID LASER 2.5 and MID LITE are well suited for treating horses (racing horses) and other suffering animals, large or small, which are excellent treatment options for inflammatory symptoms, wounds and complete healing of chronic open wounds.

Therefore, the veterinarian can easily make use of a powerful therapeutic laser and have excellent results in combination with the support and training we provide (theoretical and practical), even at his own clinic.

Laser therapy in Veterinary medicine

The Swedish company Irradia presents:

The most powerful, compact, digital laser unit with the ability for connection of different handsets for veterinary use in diseases of small or larger animals.

We mostly cater to racehorse owners where buying a laser system for therapeutic use is for these animals-runners the best solution with visible results just like people-athletes. The effect of laser treatment on animals is even more effective than humans and measurements in clinical basis after research attest this completely.


Medical laser device for veterinary use

MID LASER 2.5 is the most flexible laser system on the market and is well suited for therapeutic use in animal diseases, large or small, from professionals in the veterinary sector.

MID LASER 2.5 consists of a table unit (base unit) to which different diode laser handsets are connected. The base unit controls the system’s drift function while treatment is performed with the laser handset.

It can function with all of the below-described laser handsets or those extra that will be available soon on the market, such as 980 nm. In other words, the table or mobile unit can function with all the types of diode lasers that you will choose to buy and attach to your device for your patient’s treatment.

Even though the unit has a fixed table character, it can be transferred inside a bag in case of a home visit to a patient working just as in the clinic. The unit has a powerful inbuilt chargeable lithium-ion battery and can operate for a long period of time in a place without electrical supply.

Animal Care Mid Laser



Portable medical laser device for veterinary use

The second device of Irradia, the MID LITE model, meets all the specifications to be the most efficient device on the market of medical lasers that operates with a rechargeable battery.

A single type of diode laser with two or three outputs is permanently incorporated in the basic unit, in contrast with other devices which operate with battery and have only a single type of diode laser, usually 650-660nm or 808nm.

The device can be purchased with some firmly incorporated types of laser such as for GaAs 904nm with three outputs or with two outputs for GaAlAs 808 nm, GaAlInP 660 nm, InGaN 520 nm and InGaN 450 nm.

In general, MID LITE is a portable professional medical laser unit designed and developed to be easily used inside the small animal clinic or outside of it such as in farms and stables.

The unit is powered by an inbuilt lithium-ion battery when not connected to an electrical outlet and takes up little space in your bag for easy transport.

Animal Care Mid-Lite



The Company, Medical Laser LTD, operates exclusively within the field of health and provides complete information about Therapeutic Medical Laser Systems and their disposal along with your training.



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27 Dame Gruev Str., 2700 Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

+359 882 538 538

+30 6938 538 538

